

čē frārāst šnāxt ud dānist ēstēd xwēš rāy ō tan druwist_rawišnīh ud ō ǰān dagr_zīwišnīh pahrēzag payrāstagīh ud paywastagīh ī hammis tan abzārān ud ǰān abzārān ō ān ī padiš šnāyišn ī yazadān warzišn ī dēn ī rawāgīh ud wābarīgānīh ī čāštag ī rāst dastwarān abzāyišn bawēd
  • deu - [IC] For it has been comprehensively recognized and known that as regards himself he (is) not caring for the welfare of the body and for the longevity of the soul, so that his arrangement and *announcement,—which (are) together with the instruments of his body and the *instruments of his soul—(are) on that by which there will be the increase of the praise of the gods and of the practice of the religion (or: according to the tradition) (and) of the trustworthiness and progress of the teachings of the righteous authorities.
  • deu - [Kanga68] ... for he has perhaps (frārāst for pargast) recognised and known that he is not caring (pahrēčak) himself for the soundness of the body and for the longevity of life, i.e., his arrangement and connection of all his bodily agents and life agents (are) to that (object) whereby there may occur and increase of the propitiation of God, the practice of religion and of the propagation and belief of the teachings of true high-priests; ...

čē what PRON PronType:Int frārāst ADJ VerbForm:Part Tense:Past Subcat:Tran šnāxt VERB VerbForm:Part Subcat:Tran Tense:Past ud and CCONJ dānist know VERB Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Part Tense:Past ēstēd stand AUX Number:Sing VerbForm:Fin Person:3 Subcat:Intr Mood:Ind VerbType:Cop Tense:Pres that SCONJ xwēš own PRON Reflex:Yes rāy for ADP AdpType:Post Typo:Yes ō for ADP AdpType:Prep tan body NOUN Animacy:Hum druwist_rawišnīh NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ ō for ADP AdpType:Prep ǰān soul NOUN Animacy:Anim dagr_zīwišnīh longevity NOUN Animacy:Anim not PART PartType:Neg pahrēzag ADJ that SCONJ he PRON PronType:Prs Case:Acc Number:Sing Person:3 payrāstagīh arrangement NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ paywastagīh announcement(?) NOUN Animacy:Inan Subcat:Tran ī which SCONJ PronType:Rel he PRON PronType:Prs Number:Sing Case:Acc Person:3 hammis together with ADP AdpType:Prep tan body NOUN Animacy:Hum abzārān NOUN Animacy:Inan Number:Plur ud and CCONJ ǰān soul NOUN Animacy:Anim abzārān NOUN Animacy:Inan Number:Plur ō to ADP AdpType:Prep ān that DET PronType:Dem ī which SCONJ PronType:Rel padiš thereby ADV AdvType:Man šnāyišn NOUN VerbForm:VNoun Animacy:Inan Subcat:Tran ī Ezafe DET yazadān god NOUN Number:Plur Animacy:Anim Transc:Yes warzišn practise NOUN VerbForm:Vnoun Animacy:Inan Subcat:Tran ī Ezafe DET dēn NOUN Animacy:Inan ī X DET rawāgīh NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ wābarīgānīh trustworthiness NOUN Animacy:Inan ī Ezafe DET čāštag NOUN Animacy:Inan ī Ezafe DET rāst righteous ADJ dastwarān authority NOUN Number:Plur Gender:Masc Animacy:Hum abzāyišn NOUN Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Vnoun Animacy:Inan bawēd be AUX Subcat:Intr Person:3 Mood:Ind VerbType:Cop Tense:Pres VerbForm:Fin Number:Sing