

zan ī anšahrīg ī ō zan ī pad dūdag stūr ōwōn dād ō dūdag rasēd
  • deu - Die Sklavin, die an die Frau, die in der Familie stūr ist, auf diese Weise vermacht worden ist: „An die Familie soll sie (

zan NOUN Gender:Fem Animacy:Hum ī Ezafe DET anšahrīg slave NOUN Animacy:Hum ī who SCONJ PronType:Rel ō to ADP AdpType:Prep zan NOUN Gender:Fem Animacy:Hum ī who SCONJ PronType:Rel pad in ADP AdpType:Prep dūdag family NOUN Animacy:Hum stūr stūr NOUN Animacy:Hum ōwōn so ADV AdvType:Man dād give VERB Subcat:Tran Person:3 Number:Sing Mood:Ind VerbForm:Fin Tense:Past that SCONJ ō to ADP AdpType:Prep dūdag family NOUN Animacy:Hum not PART PartType:Neg rasēd come VERB VerbForm:Fin Mood:Ind Person:3 Subcat:Intr Number:Sing Tense:Pres