

čē āwāmīg hēnd ī pādixšāy pad was gōnag hu-ērīh nāmgānīh ud passand hamē kunēnd
  • deu - [IC] For there are contemporary authorized persons who in many kinds do not always practise very good conduct (and) notability in an approved way.
  • deu - [Kanga57] ... for at present there are authoritative persons who (possess) fame or many kinds of good qualities ...

čē for SCONJ āwāmīg contemporary NOUN Animacy:Hum hēnd VERB Number:Plur VerbForm:Fin Tense:Pres Mood:Ind Person:3 ī Ezafe DET pādixšāy authorized ADJ who SCONJ PronType:Rel pad in ADP AdpType:Prep was many ADV AdvType:Deg gōnag kind NOUN Animacy:Inan hu-ērīh very good conduct NOUN Animacy:Inan nāmgānīh notability NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ not PART PartType:Neg passand ADV AdvType:Man hamē X PART PartType:Vbp kunēnd practise VERB Number:Plur Tense:Pres VerbForm:Fin Person:3 Mood:Ind Subcat:Tran