

wasīhā gōnag ī gētīyīhā xwārdar ud āsānīhādar ī pad nibišt barēnd wēš az ēn ī hērbed ī hamē , dahēnd
  • deu - [IC] They usually give (
  • deu - [Kanga57] ... and do not always approve many sorts of wordly things which are very inferior and easier which they bring in the writings, which the Ēhrpats enjoin ...

wasīhā many ADJ Number:Plur gōnag kind NOUN Animacy:Inan ī Ezafe DET gētīyīhā worldly ADJ Number:Plur xwārdar minor ADV AdvType:Man Degree:Cmp ud and CCONJ Typo:Yes āsānīhādar easy ADJ Degree:Cmp AdvType:Man ī which SCONJ PronType:Rel pad in ADP AdpType:Prep nibišt writing NOUN Animacy:Inan Typo:Yes barēnd take VERB Mood:Ind Person:3 VerbForm:Fin Number:Plur Subcat:Tran Tense:Pres wēš more ADV AdvType:Deg az from ADP AdpType:Prep ēn this DET PronType:Dem ī Ezafe DET hērbed hērbed NOUN Gender:Masc Animacy:Hum ī Ezafe DET hamē X PART PartType:Vbp , PUNCT dahēnd give VERB Number:Plur Tense:Pres Mood:Ind VerbForm:Fin Subcat:Tran Person:3