

az rād az ān xwāstag ī guft ēstēd ka ān ī abārīg ast az ān pādixšāy ka abespārēd abārīg ān X sahēd pad ān mādag be abespārišn ,
  • deu - Vom Donator ist − ausgenommen die Sache, über die gesagt worden ist: „Wenn anderes (Vermögen) vorhanden ist, ist er (

az from ADP AdpType:Prep rād donator NOUN Animacy:Hum except ADV AdvType:Loc az from ADP AdpType:Prep ān that DET PronType:Dem xwāstag object NOUN Animacy:Inan ī Ezafe DET guft say VERB VerbForm:Part Tense:Past Subcat:Tran ēstēd stand AUX Subcat:Intr Mood:Ind VerbForm:Fin Person:3 Number:Sing VerbType:Cop Tense:Pres that SCONJ ka if SCONJ ān that PRON PronType:Dem ī Ezafe DET abārīg other PRON PronType:Ind ast VERB Person:3 Subcat:Intr Tense:Pres VerbForm:Fin Mood:Ind Number:Sing az from ADP AdpType:Prep ān that PRON PronType:Dem pādixšāy authorized ADJ ka if SCONJ not PART PartType:Neg abespārēd VERB Person:3 Mood:Ind Tense:Pres Number:Sing VerbForm:Fin Subcat:Tran abārīg other PRON PronType:Ind who SCONJ PronType:Rel Typo:Yes ān that DET PronType:Dem X NOUN Animacy:Hum sahēd approve VERB Subcat:Intr Person:3 Tense:Pres VerbForm:Fin Mood:Ind Number:Sing pad in ADP AdpType:Prep ān that DET PronType:Dem mādag money(?) NOUN Animacy:Inan be PART PartType:Vbp abespārišn VERB VerbForm:Vnoun Mood:Nec Subcat:Tran , PUNCT