

čē ēdōn kunišn ī kāmist pad -iz čāštag ēw harw nērang andar ān kār šāyēd mānāg passāzišn ō saxwan ī zūr_pahikārdārān mānāgdar druyist
  • deu - [IC] Since it has thus to be performed as desired even according to one (specific) teaching, each nērang (which?) is permissible in that procedure resembling the preparation for a statement which (is) more resembling the litigant of falsehood (and) (is) not right.
  • deu - [Kanga64] ... for it should be so done that every ritual in that work ouhgt to be (performed) at least according to one teaching, resembling the composition more analogous to the statement of contenders for falsehood and it is not sound.

čē since SCONJ ēdōn thus ADV AdvType:Man kunišn perform VERB Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Vnoun Mood:Nec Typo:Yes ī as DET kāmist desire VERB Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Part Tense:Past pad according to ADP AdpType:Prep -iz even PART PartType:Emph čāštag NOUN Typo:Yes Animacy:Inan ēw one DET Definite:Spec harw every DET PronType:Tot Typo:Yes nērang nērang NOUN Animacy:Inan andar in ADP AdpType:Prep ān that DET PronType:Dem kār deed NOUN Animacy:Inan šāyēd be permissible AUX Person:3 VerbType:Mod Tense:Pres Mood:Ind Number:Sing Voice:Act VerbForm:Fin mānāg resembling ADJ passāzišn preparation NOUN VerbForm:VNoun Subcat:Tran Animacy:Inan ō for ADP AdpType:Prep saxwan statement NOUN Animacy:Inan ī which SCONJ PronType:Rel zūr_pahikārdārān NOUN Animacy:Hum Number:Plur mānāgdar resembling ADJ Degree:Cmp not PART PartType:Neg druyist right ADJ