

passox ast ruwān tan ān ī be frēbēd ān ī nēst X saxwan ī dānāgān ud dēn_āgāhān X kār dārēd ud az kunišn ī xwēš pašēmān ud dānāg ān dēnāgāh ān humat hūxt huwaršt abēgumān ud wurrōyišn ī rāst ud frēstišn ī rōšnīhā pad dast dārēd
  • deu - It is answered: The soul is, but it is the body which deceives. That which is not (i.e., non-existent) is the one who does not put into practice the sayings of the wise and those versed in religion, and repents of his own good actions. Wise is he who is acquainted with religion, and one versed in religion is he who is without doubt as to good thoughts, good words and good deeds and puts just trust (in Auharmazd and the religion), and who occupies himself with the worship of the luminaries.
  • deu - [TJ] Die Antwort (war): Existieren tut die Seele, der Körper (ist) derjenige, der verführt. Der Nichtexistente (ist), wer das Wort der Weisen und Religionskundigen nicht [in?] die Tat umsetzt (?) und wegen seiner Taten reumütig (ist). Und weise (ist) jener, der religionskundig (ist), jener, der des guten Denkens, guten Redens und guten Handelns unzweifelhaft (ist) und (der) den rechten Glauben und das helle Senden(?) in Händen hält(?).

passox answer NOUN Animacy:Inan ast exist VERB VerbType:Cop VerbForm:Fin Mood:Ind Person:3 Number:Sing Tense:Pres Subcat:Intr ruwān soul NOUN Animacy:Anim tan body NOUN Animacy:Anim ān that PRON PronType:Dem ī which SCONJ PronType:Rel be X PART PartType:Vbp frēbēd deceive VERB Tense:Pres Person:3 Subcat:Tran Number:Sing VerbForm:Fin Mood:Ind ān that PRON PronType:Dem ī which SCONJ PronType:Rel nēst not exist VERB Mood:Ind Person:3 Tense:Pres Polarity:Neg VerbType:Cop Subcat:Intr VerbForm:Fin Number:Sing who PRON PronType:Rel Animacy:Hum X X saxwan word NOUN Animacy:Inan ī X DET dānāgān wise person NOUN Animacy:Hum Number:Plur ud and CCONJ dēn_āgāhān knowledgeable regarding the religion NOUN Number:Plur Animacy:Hum X X kār practice NOUN Animacy:Inan not PART PartType:Neg dārēd put VERB Subcat:Tran Mood:Ind Tense:Pres Person:3 VerbForm:Fin Number:Sing VerbType:Light ud and CCONJ az from ADP AdpType:Prep kunišn doing NOUN VerbForm:Vnoun Subcat:Tran ī X DET xwēš own ADJ Poss:Yes Reflex:Yes pašēmān penitent ADJ ud and CCONJ dānāg wise ADJ ān that DET Animacy:Hum PronType:Dem who SCONJ Animacy:Hum PronType:Rel dēnāgāh knowledgeable regarding the religion ADJ ān that one DET Animacy:Hum PronType:Dem who SCONJ Animacy:Hum PronType:Rel humat good thinking ADJ hūxt good speaking ADJ huwaršt good doing ADJ abēgumān without doubt ADJ ud and CCONJ wurrōyišn believe NOUN Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Vnoun ī X DET rāst true ADJ ud and CCONJ frēstišn sending NOUN Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Vnoun ī X DET rōšnīhā bright ADV AdvType:Man pad in ADP AdpType:Prep dast hand NOUN Animacy:Inan dārēd hold VERB Tense:Pres VerbForm:Fin Mood:Ind Number:Sing Subcat:Tran Person:3