

az awēnišnīh stīyān amahraspandān =šān xwadīh amarg u =šān paymōzan awisānišnīh amargīh ī =šān xwadīh paydāg az =iz ān ī =šān wimand ī ast amarg ī abzōnīg ud awisānišnīh ī =šān paymōzan az =iz ān ī ohrmazd wahman x x x ān ī asūdag ruwān pānag ī tan ān ī mānsr_spand paydāg ud abārīg =iz ī amahraspand pad amargīh ī xwadīh ud awisānišnīh ī paymōzan ī dādestān ān ī wahman amahraspand ud pad hamīh ī =šān xwadīh ud paymōzan xwānīhēnd amahraspand ud dārēnd dāmān baxšēnd rāy ud xwarrah ō gēhān ēdōn =iz abārīg mēnōy yazad
  • deu -

az from ADP AdpType:Prep awēnišnīh stīyān amahraspandān Amahraspand NOUN Number:Plur Animacy:Anim who SCONJ PronType:Rel =šān they PRON PronType:Prs Person:3 Case:Acc Number:Plur xwadīh selfhood NOUN Animacy:Inan amarg without death ADJ u and CCONJ =šān they PRON Person:3 Number:Plur PronType:Prs Case:Acc paymōzan dress NOUN Animacy:Inan awisānišnīh amargīh immortality NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET =šān they PRON PronType:Prs Number:Plur Case:Acc Person:3 xwadīh selfhood NOUN Animacy:Inan paydāg visible ADJ az from ADP AdpType:Prep =iz also ADV ān that DET PronType:Dem Deixis:Remt ī ezafe DET =šān they PRON Case:Acc Number:Plur Person:3 PronType:Prs wimand border NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET ast be AUX VerbType:Cop VerbForm:Fin Mood:Ind Number:Sing Subcat:Intr Person:3 Tense:Pres amarg without death ADJ ī ezafe DET abzōnīg increasing ADJ ud and CCONJ awisānišnīh ī ezafe DET =šān they PRON PronType:Prs Case:Acc Number:Plur Person:3 paymōzan dress NOUN Animacy:Inan az from ADP AdpType:Prep =iz also ADV ān that DET Deixis:Remt PronType:Dem ī ezafe DET ohrmazd Ohrmazd PROPN Transc:Yes NameType:Giv Animacy:Anim wahman Wahman PROPN Animacy:Anim NameType:Giv Transc:Yes x x x ān that DET Deixis:Remt PronType:Dem ī ezafe DET asūdag ruwān soul NOUN Animacy:Anim pānag guard NOUN Animacy:Hum ī ezafe DET tan person NOUN Animacy:Hum ān that DET PronType:Dem Deixis:Remt ī ezafe DET mānsr_spand Spand (Nask) PROPN Animacy:Inan NameType:Oth paydāg visible ADJ ud and CCONJ abārīg other PRON PronType:Ind =iz also ADV ī ezafe DET amahraspand Amahraspand PROPN Animacy:Anim Transc:Yes pad in ADP AdpType:Prep amargīh immortality NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET xwadīh selfhood NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ awisānišnīh ī ezafe DET paymōzan dress NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET dādestān judgement NOUN Animacy:Inan ān that DET PronType:Dem Deixis:Remt ī ezafe DET wahman Wahman PROPN NameType:Giv Transc:Yes Animacy:Anim amahraspand Amahraspand PROPN Animacy:Anim Transc:Yes ud and CCONJ pad in ADP AdpType:Prep hamīh union NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET =šān they PRON Number:Plur Case:Acc Person:3 PronType:Prs xwadīh selfhood NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ paymōzan dress NOUN Animacy:Inan xwānīhēnd VERB Mood:Ind Tense:Pres Number:Plur Person:3 Subcat:Intr VerbForm:Fin amahraspand Amahraspand PROPN Animacy:Anim Transc:Yes ud and CCONJ dārēnd VERB VerbForm:Fin Tense:Pres Subcat:Tran Mood:Ind Person:3 Number:Plur dāmān creature NOUN Number:Plur Animacy:Anim baxšēnd apportion VERB VerbForm:Fin Person:3 Tense:Pres Mood:Ind Subcat:Tran Number:Plur rāy for ADP AdpType:Post ud and CCONJ xwarrah glory NOUN ō to ADP AdpType:Prep gēhān world NOUN Animacy:Inan ēdōn thus ADV AdvType:Man =iz also ADV abārīg other PRON PronType:Ind mēnōy spirit NOUN Animacy:Anim yazad god NOUN Animacy:Anim