

ud ka ēn ēdōn hammis dēn_burdārān dēn_dastwarān mādayān ōy pad dēn mazdēsnān āgāhtar kirdārtar ud andar harwist mān wis ud zand deh wēš abērtar mard ī ahlaw gōwāg_uzwān rāst_guftār ī srūd_gāhān ī āgāh ud dēn_nērang ī frahixt_kār ī husraw_xēm ruwān_dōst pad yōǰdāsrīh winnārdan menīdan abzāyīd abēr čimīg
  • deu - [IC] And when this (is) so, it (is) very reasonable to organise, consider (and) make increase for the purity(?) principly that one of all upholders of the religion and authorities of the religion (e.g. laypeople and priests?) who (are) the most versed and most active ones in the Mazdean religion, and (are) in all houses, clans, and districts and lands (e.g. corresponding to the YAv. social classification) extremely righteous men, eloquent, truth-speaking, Gāthā-reciting, versed, of the nērangs of the religion(?), trained in the work/duty, of illustrious character (and) soul-loving.
  • deu - [Kanga68] Since this (is) so, it is very reasonable for all the upholders of the religion and high-priests of the religion in particular to appoint, to think of and to promote for the work of purification him who is very well-versed and experienced in the Religion of Mazdā-Worship and in all the houses, streets, towns and provinces an extremely proper man who is holy, of eloquent tongue, truth-speaking, chanting the Gāthās, versed in the ceremonial, trained for the duty, of reknowned disposition and a friend of the soul.

ud and CCONJ ka when SCONJ ēn this PRON PronType:Dem ēdōn thus ADV AdvType:Man hammis all DET PronType:Tot dēn_burdārān NOUN Animacy:Hum Number:Plur dēn_dastwarān authority of the religion NOUN Animacy:Hum Gender:Masc Number:Plur mādayān ADV AdvType:Man ōy PRON Number:Sing PronType:Prs Person:3 who SCONJ PronType:Rel pad in ADP AdpType:Prep dēn religion NOUN Animacy:Inan mazdēsnān Mazdean NOUN Number:Plur Animacy:Hum āgāhtar versed ADJ Degree:Cmp kirdārtar active ADJ Degree:Cmp ud and CCONJ andar in ADP AdpType:Prep harwist all PRON Degree:Sup PronType:Tot mān house NOUN Animacy:Inan wis clan NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ zand district NOUN Animacy:Inan deh village NOUN Animacy:Inan wēš more ADV AdvType:Deg abērtar very ADV Degree:Cmp AdvType:Deg mard man NOUN Gender:Masc Animacy:Hum ī Ezafe DET ahlaw righteous ADJ gōwāg_uzwān eloquent ADJ rāst_guftār truth-speaking ADJ ī Ezafe DET srūd_gāhān reciting the Gathas ADJ ī Ezafe DET āgāh versed ADJ ud and CCONJ dēn_nērang of the nērangs of the religion ADJ ī Ezafe DET frahixt_kār trained in the work/duty ADJ Typo:Yes ī Ezafe DET Typo:Yes husraw_xēm of illustrious character ADJ ruwān_dōst soul-loving ADJ pad for ADP AdpType:Prep yōǰdāsrīh purity NOUN Animacy:Inan winnārdan VERB Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Inf menīdan consider VERB VerbForm:Inf Subcat:Tran abzāyīd increase VERB VerbForm:Inf Subcat:Tran abēr very ADV AdvType:Deg čimīg reasonable ADJ