

ka ēbgat mad ul ō azabar burd abāz ō xwēš bundahišt tābēnd dēwān -iz ān xwarrah ō xwēšīh rasēd None padiš pādixšā bawēnd
  • deu - Als der Widersacher kam, trug (Ohrmazd Mond und Sonne) hoch nach oben, sodass (sie von dort) hin zurück zu (ihrem) Ursprung scheinen und den Dämonen das Xwarrah nicht zu eigen wird, wodurch (sie) herrscherlich würden.

ka when SCONJ ēbgat Adversary NOUN Animacy:Anim Transc:Yes mad come VERB Mood:Ind Tense:Past Person:3 VerbForm:Fin Subcat:Intr Number:Sing ul up ADV AdvType:Loc ō to ADP AdpType:Prep azabar above ADV AdvType:Loc burd carry VERB Number:Sing Tense:Past Mood:Ind Person:3 Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Fin so that SCONJ up to ADP AdpType:Prep abāz back ADV AdvType:Man ō to ADP AdpType:Prep xwēš own DET Poss:Yes Reflex:Yes bundahišt origin NOUN Animacy:Inan tābēnd shine VERB Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Fin Person:3 Tense:Pres Number:Plur Mood:Ind dēwān demon NOUN Animacy:Anim Number:Plur Transc:Yes -iz and CCONJ ān that PRON Deixis:Remt PronType:Dem xwarrah Xwarrah NOUN ō to ADP AdpType:Prep xwēšīh possession NOUN Animacy:Inan not PART PartType:Neg rasēd arrive VERB Tense:Pres Mood:Ind Subcat:Intr Person:3 VerbForm:Fin VerbType:Light Number:Sing null enter into possession where SCONJ PronType:Rel padiš thereby ADV AdvType:Man pādixšā sovereign ADJ bawēnd become VERB Number:Plur Tense:Pres Person:3 Subcat:Intr VerbForm:Fin Mood:Ind