

ān -iz ī ast az mār gyāg gāw ud gōspand ud asp ud mard abāz ō xwēš āhenǰīd ōbārēd
  • deu - Auch die gibt (es), (die) vom dem Schlangenbau(?) Rinder, Schafe und Pferde und Männer zurück zu sich hergezogen habend, (sie) verschlingt.

ān that PRON Deixis:Remt PronType:Dem -iz also ADV ī X DET Definite:Spec ast exist VERB Mood:Ind Person:3 Subcat:Intr Tense:Pres Number:Sing VerbForm:Fin az from ADP AdpType:Prep mār snake NOUN Animacy:Nhum gyāg place NOUN Animacy:Inan gāw cow NOUN Animacy:Nhum ud and CCONJ gōspand small cattle NOUN Animacy:Nhum ud and CCONJ asp horse NOUN Animacy:Nhum ud and CCONJ mard man NOUN Animacy:Hum Gender:Masc abāz back ADV AdvType:Man ō to ADP AdpType:Prep xwēš self PRON Reflex:Yes āhenǰīd pull VERB VerbForm:Conv Subcat:Tran Tense:Past ōbārēd devour VERB Mood:Ind Person:3 Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Fin Tense:Pres Number:Sing