

agar -itān ēn wizīr pēš ēdōn sahist andar ka pad pārs ud ēd [ka] pad sīragān būd hēd abāg dēn_āgāhān dānāgān dastwarān ī āwām uskārd āhuft
  • deu - [IC] If this decree seemed thus proper to you before, meanwhile when (you have been) in Pārs and this (time?) when you have been in Sīrgān, (you) did neither discuss (it) with the learned ones of the religion, the wise ones and the (religious) authorities TD4a: of the time nor *uncovered (it).
  • deu - [West1882] If this decree seemed so to you before, between when you have been in Pârs and this time when in Sîrkân, it was not well considered with those acquainted with the religion, the wise and the high-priests, and not even reported.

agar if SCONJ -itān you PRON PronType:Prs Case:Acc Number:Plur Person:2 ēn this DET PronType:Dem wizīr NOUN Animacy:Inan pēš before ADV AdvType:Tim ēdōn thus ADV AdvType:Man sahist seem proper VERB Person:3 Mood:Ind Number:Sing Tense:Past VerbForm:Fin Subcat:Intr andar meanwhile ADV AdvType:Prep ka when SCONJ pad in ADP AdpType:Prep pārs Pārs (province in Iran) PROPN NameType:Geo ud and CCONJ ēd this PRON PronType:Dem [ka] when SCONJ pad in ADP AdpType:Prep sīragān Sīrgān (name of a town in province Pārs) PROPN NameType:Geo būd be VERB VerbForm:Part VerbType:Cop Tense:Past Subcat:Intr hēd be AUX Mood:Ind Tense:Pres Person:3 Number:Sing VerbType:Cop VerbForm:Fin abāg with ADP AdpType:Prep dēn_āgāhān learned one of the religion NOUN Gender:Masc Number:Plur Animacy:Hum Typo:Yes dānāgān wise one NOUN Animacy:Hum Number:Plur dastwarān authority NOUN Animacy:Hum Number:Plur Gender:Masc ī Ezafe DET āwām season NOUN Animacy:Inan not PART PartType:Neg uskārd discuss VERB Tense:Past Subcat:Intr Mood:Ind Number:Sing VerbForm:Fin Person:3 not PART PartType:Neg āhuft VERB VerbForm:Fin Number:Sing Mood:Ind Person:3 Tense:Past Subcat:Intr