

az ān ī čiyōn andar gēhān az -iš waxš bazagīh ud wadkāmagīh ān ī ahriman
  • deu - Deshalb, weil in der Welt von seinem Geist die Sündigkeit und die Böswilligkeit (ist), (sind diese) das von Ahriman.

az from ADP AdpType:Prep ān that PRON PronType:Dem Deixis:Remt ī ezafe DET čiyōn since SCONJ andar in ADP AdpType:Prep gēhān world NOUN az from ADP AdpType:Prep -iš he PRON Person:3 Case:Acc PronType:Prs Number:Sing waxš spirit NOUN Animacy:Inan bazagīh evilness NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ wadkāmagīh malevolence NOUN Animacy:Inan ān that PRON PronType:Dem Deixis:Remt ī ezafe DET ahriman Ahriman PROPN Animacy:Anim Transc:Yes NameType:Giv