

ǰud =iz az hučašmīh ī dōstīhā ud nišān ī āgāhīhā ī =tān az ān ī man kam_pardazišnīh aziš paydāg

ǰud apart ADV AdvType:Loc =iz also ADV az from ADP AdpType:Prep hučašmīh benevolence NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET dōstīhā friend ADV AdvType:Man ud and CCONJ nišān sign NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET āgāhīhā ADV AdvType:Man ī ezafe DET =tān you PRON Case:Acc PronType:Prs Person:2 Number:Plur az from ADP AdpType:Prep ān that DET Deixis:Remt PronType:Dem ī ezafe DET man I PRON Number:Sing Person:1 PronType:Prs kam_pardazišnīh NOUN Animacy:Inan aziš therefrom ADV AdvType:Loc paydāg visible ADJ