

abar barēnd spitāmān zardušt sag zard čahār čašm ayāb spēd zard gōš ān ī druz ī nasuš abāz dwārēd ō abāxtar_nēmag
  • deu -

abar over ADP AdpType:Prep barēnd VERB Tense:Pres VerbForm:Fin Number:Plur Subcat:Tran Person:3 Mood:Ind spitāmān of the Spitama family PROPN NameType:Pat zardušt Zardušt PROPN Gender:Masc Animacy:Hum NameType:Giv sag dog NOUN Animacy:Nhum zard yellow ADJ čahār four NUM NumType:Card čašm eye NOUN Animacy:Inan ayāb or CCONJ spēd white ADJ zard yellow ADJ gōš ear NOUN Animacy:Inan ān that DET Deixis:Remt PronType:Dem ī ezafe DET druz Druz NOUN Animacy:Anim ī ezafe DET nasuš Nasuš PROPN NameType:Giv Animacy:Anim Transc:Yes abāz back ADV AdvType:Man dwārēd run VERB Person:3 Number:Sing VerbForm:Fin Tense:Pres Mood:Ind Subcat:Intr ō to ADP AdpType:Prep abāxtar_nēmag half NOUN Animacy:Inan