

ōy ǰāmag stad ud abar ātaxš nihād sōxt
  • deu - [IC] He took the garment, put it over the fire (and) burnt (it) (or: and burnt [it] by putting [it] over the fire?).
  • deu - [Kanga75a] ... he took hold of the garment and laid it upon the fire and burnt it ...

ōy he PRON Number:Sing Person:3 PronType:Prs ǰāmag NOUN Animacy:Inan stad take VERB Mood:Ind Number:Sing Subcat:Tran Person:3 VerbForm:Fin Tense:Past ud and CCONJ abar over ADP AdpType:Prep ātaxš fire NOUN Animacy:Inan nihād put VERB VerbForm:Fin Person:3 Tense:Past Subcat:Tran Mood:Ind Typo:Yes Number:Sing sōxt burn VERB Mood:Ind Typo:Yes Tense:Past Number:Sing VerbForm:Fin Person:3 Subcat:Tran