

šōyišn ka ēdōn šōyēnd čiyōn pad gōwišn ī se čāštag ī pad [mēdyōmāhīg] [abaragīg] [sōšānsīg] āšnāg ayāb gōwišn ī ēk az ān se čāštag ayāb pad gōwišn ī ēk az dastwarān ī ān se čāštag pad šāyistīh , paydāg ayāb pad kardag ī pōryōtkēšān ī ham ān se čāštagīhā andar -am āmad ēstēd
  • deu - [IC] The ablution (ceremony) has come unto me, when {or: that?} one thus purifies as according to the statement of the three teachings, which (is) known for [TD4a: that of Mēdōmāh, Abarag, and Sōšāns], or (according to) the statement of one from these three teachings, or according to the statement from the authorities of these three teachings with obvious properness, or according to the (ritual) practice of the first teachers (of the Mazdean religion) of those same three teachings.
  • deu - [Kanga75b] ... and when they purify in such wise as is maifest for adequateness according to the statement of the three teachings which (are) known as those of Mētyōkmāh, of Aparaγ and of Sōšāns, or according to the statement of one of the high-priests of these three teachings, or just as it has been handed down to me in accordance with the usage of the foremost leaders of faith of these same three teachings.

šōyišn ablution NOUN Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Vnoun Animacy:Inan ka when SCONJ ēdōn thus ADV AdvType:Man Typo:Yes šōyēnd purify VERB VerbForm:Fin Number:Plur Person:3 Mood:Ind Subcat:Tran Tense:Pres čiyōn as SCONJ pad according to ADP AdpType:Prep gōwišn statement NOUN Animacy:Inan VerbForm:Vnoun Subcat:Tran ī Ezafe DET se three NUM Typo:Yes NumType:Card čāštag NOUN Animacy:Inan ī which SCONJ PronType:Rel pad for ADP AdpType:Prep [mēdyōmāhīg] related to Mēdyōmāh [abaragīg] relatet to Abarag [sōšānsīg] related to Sōšāns āšnāg known ADJ Typo:Yes ayāb or CCONJ gōwišn statement NOUN VerbForm:Vnoun Subcat:Tran Animacy:Inan ī Ezafe DET ēk one NUM NumType:Card az from ADP AdpType:Prep ān that DET PronType:Dem se three NUM NumType:Card čāštag NOUN Animacy:Inan ayāb or CCONJ pad in ADP AdpType:Prep gōwišn statement NOUN Animacy:Inan VerbForm:Vnoun Subcat:Tran ī Ezafe DET ēk one NUM NumType:Card az from ADP AdpType:Prep dastwarān authority NOUN Animacy:Hum Gender:Masc Number:Plur ī Ezafe DET ān that DET PronType:Dem se three NUM NumType:Card čāštag NOUN Animacy:Inan pad with ADP AdpType:Prep šāyistīh properness NOUN Subcat:Intr Animacy:Inan Typo:Yes , PUNCT paydāg obvious ADJ ayāb or CCONJ pad in ADP AdpType:Prep kardag (ritual) practice NOUN Animacy:Inan ī Ezafe DET pōryōtkēšān ancient teacher (of the Mazdean religion) NOUN Gender:Masc Animacy:Hum Number:Plur ī Ezafe DET ham very same ADV ān that DET PronType:Dem se three NUM NumType:Card čāštagīhā NOUN Number:Plur Animacy:Inan andar unto ADP AdvType:Loc -am I PRON Number:Sing Person:1 Case:Acc PronType:Prs āmad come VERB Person:3 Number:Sing Tense:Past Subcat:Intr VerbForm:Fin Mood:Ind ēstēd stand AUX Person:3 Mood:Ind VerbForm:Fin Subcat:Intr Tense:Pres VerbType:Cop Number:Sing