

xwāyam ō ēn yazišn dahmān ī wehān āfrīn ud dahm =iz mard ī ahlaw ān =iz ī čēr ī tagīg dahm_ī_abar_pad_menišn yazad
  • eng - created by Ohrmazd

xwāyam summon VERB Person:1 Subcat:Tran Number:Sing Mood:Ind VerbForm:Fin Tense:Pres ō to ADP AdpType:Prep ēn this DET Deixis:Prox PronType:Dem yazišn sacrifice NOUN Animacy:Inan VerbForm:Vnoun Subcat:Tran dahmān expert NOUN Animacy:Hum Number:Plur ī ezafe DET wehān good ADJ Number:Plur āfrīn blessing NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ dahm expert ADJ =iz also ADV mard man NOUN Animacy:Hum Gender:Masc ī ezafe DET ahlaw righteous ADJ ān that DET PronType:Dem =iz also ADV ī ezafe DET čēr brave ADJ ī ezafe DET tagīg strong ADJ dahm_ī_abar_pad_menišn Dahm ī abar-pad-menišn PROPN NameType:Giv Transc:Yes Animacy:Anim yazad god NOUN Animacy:Anim Transc:Yes