

ud az awēšān menišn dārēnd ō anērīh ud ag_dēnīh šawēnd ēg =išān aziš abāz dārēd

ud and CCONJ az from ADP AdpType:Prep awēšān they PRON Number:Plur Person:3 PronType:Prs who SCONJ PronType:Rel menišn thought NOUN Animacy:Inan VerbForm:Vnoun Subcat:Tran dārēnd VERB Mood:Ind Subcat:Tran Person:3 Number:Plur VerbForm:Fin Tense:Pres that SCONJ out ADV AdvType:Loc ō to ADP AdpType:Prep anērīh NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ ag_dēnīh NOUN Animacy:Inan šawēnd go VERB VerbForm:Fin Number:Plur Mood:Ind Tense:Pres Subcat:Intr Person:3 ēg then ADV AdvType:Tim =išān they PRON Case:Acc Person:3 Number:Plur PronType:Prs aziš therefrom ADV AdvType:Loc abāz back ADV AdvType:Man dārēd VERB Number:Sing Mood:Ind Tense:Pres VerbForm:Fin Person:3 Subcat:Tran