

ud agar az ān mard čiyōn zan pad sālārīh šāyēnd dūdag_sālār abāyēd gumārdan

ud and CCONJ agar if SCONJ az from ADP AdpType:Prep ān that DET Deixis:Remt PronType:Dem mard man NOUN Gender:Masc Animacy:Hum čiyōn as SCONJ zan woman NOUN Gender:Fem Animacy:Hum pad in ADP AdpType:Prep sālārīh authority NOUN Animacy:Inan not PART PartType:Neg šāyēnd be able;be worthy VERB VerbForm:Fin Number:Plur Tense:Pres Subcat:Intr Mood:Ind Person:3 dūdag_sālār guardian of the family NOUN Animacy:Hum Gender:Masc abāyēd be necessary VERB Number:Sing Tense:Pres Person:3 Mood:Ind VerbForm:Fin Subcat:Intr VerbType:Mod gumārdan appoint VERB Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Inf