

hušnūdīh ī xwēš tuwāngarīh ud pāduxšāyīh rāy ōy ī did wehīh wēš wēnišn ān ī ast
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hušnūdīh contentment NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET xwēš own PRON Reflex:Yes Poss:Yes tuwāngarīh richness NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ pāduxšāyīh authority NOUN Animacy:Inan rāy for ADP AdpType:Post ōy PRON Person:3 Number:Sing PronType:Prs ī ezafe DET did again ADV AdvType:Tim wehīh goodness NOUN Animacy:Inan wēš more ADV AdvType:Deg not PART PartType:Neg wēnišn sight NOUN Animacy:Inan VerbForm:Vnoun Subcat:Tran that SCONJ PRON Number:Sing Person:3 PronType:Prs Case:Acc ān that DET Deixis:Remt PronType:Dem ī ezafe DET ast be AUX VerbForm:Fin VerbType:Cop Mood:Ind Person:3 Number:Sing Tense:Pres Subcat:Intr