

gāw warzāg nērōg kam ud asp arwand hunar kam pad tāg kam barēd
  • deu - And (for) the ploughing ox (is) less strength, and (for) the swift horse (is) less skill, and (they) carry less per ride.

gāw cow NOUN Animacy:Nhum warzāg ploughing (ox) nērōg strength NOUN Animacy:Inan kam less ADJ Degree:Cmp ud and CCONJ asp horse NOUN Animacy:Nhum arwand swift ADJ hunar skill NOUN Animacy:Inan kam less ADJ Degree:Cmp pad in ADP AdpType:Prep tāg branch NOUN Animacy:Inan kam less ADJ Degree:Cmp barēd VERB Number:Sing Mood:Ind Subcat:Tran Tense:Pres Person:3 VerbForm:Fin