

ud ēn =iz huframānīh ud abzōn ī ohrmazd kird bawēd tan ud gyān ō yazadān dahēd
  • deu -

ud and CCONJ ēn this DET PronType:Dem Deixis:Prox =iz also ADV that SCONJ huframānīh (possessing/being characterised by) good commands NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ abzōn increase NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET ohrmazd Ohrmazd PROPN Transc:Yes Animacy:Anim NameType:Giv kird do VERB Tense:Past VerbForm:Part Subcat:Tran bawēd be AUX Subcat:Intr VerbType:Cop Tense:Pres Mood:Ind VerbForm:Fin Number:Sing Person:1 who SCONJ PronType:Rel tan person NOUN Animacy:Hum ud and CCONJ gyān soul NOUN Animacy:Anim ō to ADP AdpType:Prep yazadān god NOUN Number:Plur Animacy:Anim dahēd create VERB Mood:Ind Person:3 Subcat:Tran Number:Sing VerbForm:Fin Tense:Pres