

abar gugāyīh duzz pad čē padīrišnīg čē pad duzz frāz rasēd čiyōn ān ī ka griftan bastan ud čiyōn ān ī ka niwāxtan ud frēftan abāyēd tā_ō kāmgārīh pad =iš rasēd
  • deu -

abar over ADP AdpType:Prep gugāyīh testimony NOUN Animacy:Inan duzz thief NOUN Animacy:Hum that SCONJ pad in ADP AdpType:Prep čē what PRON PronType:Int padīrišnīg ADJ čē what PRON PronType:Int pad in ADP AdpType:Prep duzz thief NOUN Animacy:Hum frāz forth ADV AdvType:Loc rasēd arrive VERB Mood:Ind Person:3 VerbForm:Fin Number:Sing Tense:Pres Subcat:Intr čiyōn as SCONJ ān that DET Deixis:Remt PronType:Dem ī ezafe DET ka when SCONJ griftan take VERB VerbForm:Inf Mood:Nec Subcat:Tran bastan tie VERB VerbForm:Inf Mood:Nec Subcat:Tran ud and CCONJ čiyōn as SCONJ ān that DET PronType:Dem Deixis:Remt ī ezafe DET ka when SCONJ niwāxtan ud and CCONJ frēftan deceive VERB Subcat:Tran abāyēd be necessary VERB Number:Sing Person:3 Mood:Ind VerbType:Mod VerbForm:Fin Tense:Pres Subcat:Intr tā_ō to ADP AdpType:Prep kāmgārīh NOUN Animacy:Inan pad in ADP AdpType:Prep =iš PRON Case:Acc Person:3 Number:Sing PronType:Prs rasēd arrive VERB VerbForm:Fin Mood:Ind Person:3 Number:Sing Tense:Pres Subcat:Intr