

ān ī tuwānīg ǰuttar čē astōdān =ēw kunišn kūtā sag ud rōbāh ud gurg burdan tuwān

ān that DET Deixis:Remt PronType:Dem ī ezafe DET tuwānīg able ADJ ǰuttar different ADJ Degree:Cmp čē what PRON PronType:Int PRON Case:Acc Number:Sing Person:3 PronType:Prs astōdān CPD =ēw one NUM NumType:Card out ADV AdvType:Loc kunišn action NOUN Animacy:Inan Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Vnoun kūtā until SCONJ sag dog NOUN Animacy:Nhum ud and CCONJ rōbāh fox NOUN Animacy:Nhum ud and CCONJ gurg wolf NOUN Animacy:Nhum out ADV AdvType:Loc burdan carry VERB Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Inf not PART PartType:Neg tuwān be able AUX Mood:Ind Tense:Pres VerbType:Quasi