

xwēš tan ō yazadān ud wehān dahēd ēg =iš ān and wehīh pad tan mehmān
  • deu -

who SCONJ PronType:Rel xwēš own PRON Poss:Yes Reflex:Yes tan person NOUN Animacy:Hum ō to ADP AdpType:Prep yazadān god NOUN Animacy:Anim Number:Plur ud and CCONJ wehān good person NOUN Animacy:Hum Number:Plur dahēd create VERB Person:3 Mood:Ind VerbForm:Fin Subcat:Tran Number:Sing Tense:Pres ēg then ADV AdvType:Tim =iš PRON Case:Acc PronType:Prs Person:3 Number:Sing ān that DET PronType:Dem Deixis:Remt and so much PRON PronType:Ind wehīh goodness NOUN Animacy:Inan pad in ADP AdpType:Prep tan person NOUN Animacy:Hum mehmān guest NOUN Animacy:Hum