

čē ān ī pad X zīg ī šahryārān rāsttar -iz az ān [ī] X X X X šahryārān None ān [ī] pad X zīg ī ptalmayōš xūbdar ān kird estēd
  • deu - [IC] For that which (is) more correct according to the Royal astronomical table (has been determined) also from that Royal (table), that which (is) more proper according to the astronomical table of Ptolemy, that has been determined (from the astronomical table of Ptolemy).
  • deu - [Kanga64] ... because that which is very accurate according to the Royal Calendar has been calculated from the Royal Calendar; (that which is more proper according to the Indian Calendar has been calculated from the Indian Calendar) and that which is more exact according to Ptolemy has been calculated (from Ptolemy’s Calendar).

čē for SCONJ ān that DET PronType:Dem ī which SCONJ PronType:Rel pad according to ADP AdpType:Prep X zīg astronomical table NOUN Animacy:Inan ī X DET šahryārān ruler NOUN Number:Plur Animacy:Hum Typo:Yes Gender:Masc rāsttar correct ADJ Typo:Yes Degree:Cmp -iz also ADV az from ADP AdpType:Prep ān that DET PronType:Dem [ī] Ezafe DET X X X X šahryārān ruler NOUN Number:Plur Typo:Yes Animacy:Hum Gender:Masc null determine NOUN VerbForm:Part Subcat:Tran Tense:Past ān that DET PronType:Dem [ī] which SCONJ PronType:Rel pad according to ADP AdpType:Prep X zīg astronomical table NOUN Animacy:Inan ī Ezafe DET ptalmayōš PROPN Gender:Masc Typo:Yes Animacy:Hum NameType:Giv xūbdar proper ADJ Degree:Cmp ān that DET PronType:Dem kird determine VERB VerbForm:Part Tense:Past Subcat:Tran estēd stand AUX Number:Sing Person:3 Tense:Pres Subcat:Intr VerbType:Cop VerbForm:Fin Mood:Ind