

abar ohrmazd xwad xwadīh u mēnōy ud gētī ud nām paydāgīh ud any ī ǰud az =iš az nigēz ī weh_dēn hād
  • deu -

abar over ADP AdpType:Prep ohrmazd Ohrmazd PROPN Animacy:Anim Transc:Yes NameType:Giv xwad self PRON Reflex:Yes xwadīh selfhood NOUN Animacy:Inan u and CCONJ PRON Person:3 Case:Acc PronType:Prs Number:Sing mēnōy spirit NOUN Animacy:Anim ud and CCONJ gētī the material world NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ nām name NOUN Animacy:Inan paydāgīh visibility NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ any other PRON PronType:Ind ī ezafe DET ǰud apart ADV AdvType:Loc az from ADP AdpType:Prep =iš PRON PronType:Prs Number:Sing Case:Acc Person:3 az from ADP AdpType:Prep nigēz exposition NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET weh_dēn of the good religion ADJ hād that is ADV