

agar az ēn mardōm ī pad gētī ēk =ēw kam man harg ī xwēš burdan tuwān
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agar if SCONJ az from ADP AdpType:Prep ēn this DET Deixis:Prox PronType:Dem mardōm human NOUN Animacy:Hum ī ezafe DET pad in ADP AdpType:Prep gētī the material world NOUN Animacy:Inan ēk one NUM NumType:Card =ēw one NUM NumType:Card kam few ADJ man I PRON Number:Sing Person:1 PronType:Prs harg duty NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET xwēš own PRON Poss:Yes Reflex:Yes burdan carry VERB Subcat:Tran VerbForm:Inf not PART PartType:Neg tuwān be able AUX Tense:Pres Mood:Ind VerbType:Quasi