

ēk ast rāh [ī] ahlāyīh [ud] [abārīg] [ān] [ī] [ǰudrāh] [ī] wisp any ān ē ahlāyīh
  • deu - [IC] Only) one is the way [of] righteousness, [and the other one /lit.: that) of the opposite way of] every single(?) other one (is) the *wrong way (MS.: righteousness).
  • deu - [West1882] ... and one only is the way of righteousness, all the others are no ways.

ēk one NUM NumType:Card ast be AUX Person:3 Mood:Ind Subcat:Intr VerbForm:Fin VerbType:Cop Number:Sing Tense:Pres rāh way NOUN Animacy:Inan [ī] Ezafe DET ahlāyīh righteousness NOUN Animacy:Inan [ud] and CCONJ [abārīg] other DET PronType:Ind [ān] that PRON PronType:Dem [ī] Ezafe DET [ǰudrāh] opposite way NOUN Animacy:Inan [ī] Ezafe DET wisp every ADJ any other DET PronType:Ind ān that PRON PronType:Dem ē one DET Definite:Ind ahlāyīh wrong way NOUN Animacy:Inan Typo:Yes