

ud namak_sūd ud rōɣn ud xormā ud anǰīr ud abārīg xwarišnīg ud tis ī ǰud az xwarišnīg ud tis harw čē andar ān xānag hamāg šab ud māh drahnāy andar abāyēd

ud and CCONJ namak_sūd profit NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ rōɣn ud and CCONJ xormā date NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ anǰīr fig NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ abārīg other PRON PronType:Ind xwarišnīg ADJ ud and CCONJ tis thing NOUN Animacy:Inan ī ezafe DET ǰud apart ADV AdvType:Loc az from ADP AdpType:Prep xwarišnīg ADJ ud and CCONJ tis thing NOUN Animacy:Inan harw every DET PronType:Tot čē what PRON PronType:Int andar in ADP AdpType:Prep ān that DET Deixis:Remt PronType:Dem xānag house NOUN Animacy:Inan hamāg all PRON PronType:Tot nine NUM NumType:Card šab night NOUN Animacy:Inan ud and CCONJ māh moon NOUN drahnāy length NOUN Animacy:Inan andar in ADP AdpType:Prep abāyēd be necessary VERB Mood:Ind VerbForm:Fin VerbType:Mod Person:3 Tense:Pres Number:Sing Subcat:Intr